
This is the most recent MAN bus design for inner city services. Actually it is a whole family of buses with different engines and seating configurations, from articulated city buses focusing on standing passengers to regional types offering more seats. Buses of this type can be found in many cities throughout Germany and Europe.

This is a modern articulated city bus, sharing its features with the single-frame version. The trailer has a second door in the very back part for better passenger flow. Of course the capacity is higher than for the standard version, as is the engine power to make up for the additional weight.

Technical Data

NameMAN NG 313
Capacity148 passengers
Power310 hp
Speed50 mph
Weight (empty / loaded)14.9t/28t
Dimensions (length/width/height)17.950 / 2.500 / 2.985
Load amount148
Cost factor169
Running cost factor197

Images and Screenshots

The first photo is based on one available from the free media database commons and is licensed under the GNU licence for free documentation. The original photo was created by Martin Hawlisch and can be accessed by clicking the images. The other two photos were kindly provided by Olaf Nordsieck, the webmaster of, a website with some great photos of busses and trucks.

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Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot