


August 2007

Ratet mal

29. August 2007, 20:24 Uhr von Bärbel

Der Uwe war die letzten Tage ziemlich beschäftigt. Nein, ich meine nicht die Geburtstagsfeierei. Er sitzt schon seit Tagen an einem Rätsel. Und zwar hat er einen Text, in dem sich etwas versteckt hat, und das sucht er schon eine ganze Weile ziemlich erfolglos. Und weil ich mir das nicht länger mitansehen kann, hacke ich den Text jetzt einfach mal hier rein und hoffe auf Eure Mithilfe. Achso, an der Seite vom Blatt ist Platz für genau 111 Eintragungen, und nach allem was ich weiß gehts wohl um Musik… Und hier nun der Text:

I want to tell you a story. It’s a dirty story of a dirty man, a story about me. Ah, you got questions? And they’re surely gonna be „Who are you?“ and „What do you want from me?“, right? Well, I’ll answer the questions with a question: „Can you wait for the answers?“ I’m sure you can wait, and by the way, you can call me Al.

So, right now I’m in the mood to tell you my story. It’s the story of a loser, an‘ it could be you. I’m a loser just the same, so it doesn’t matter anyway. You see, I was born to lose. I was born down in a dead man’s town, in the middle of nowhere. I always was a problem child right from the start. Even back in my school days, I always got into fights with the others. Fighting classmates, fighting teachers, fighting my parents… fighting the world. Needless to say, girls didn’t like me either. Whenever, wherever I approached them and asked them „Do you wanna dance?“, they’d rather dance away with some other guy.

Finally, the time came that school was out for ever, and I went to New Orleans. It seemed just like paradise. There were beer drinkers and hell raisers, and I thought, well, if you can’t beat them, join them. And soon enough I was one of the boys, hangin‘ round with ‚em. I became a working man, working on the highway, driving trucks from here and there to everywhere. Still, it was working for the weekend, basically. Every Saturday night was alright, and everyone knew when the boys were back in town then. Those were the days

Naturally, girls were around as well, and some rather pretty women they were. Charlotte was one of them. She was a prostitute. Twenty-five bucks and you were a happy man, twice the sum if you wanted to give the dog a bone, so to say. Actually, there were other girls as well. Rosie, a very huge one, and I mean huge. Or take Roxanne, cute she was. We’d usually go to that run-down hotel where she’d made the sun rise. They really were goddesses for a sad man like me.

I really wasn’t a lucky man. I was missing something, until I met sister Mary. She was a whore just the same, but she was different. She was into that fetish stuff, wearing a nun’s costume and such – don’t ever say that nun’s don’t have fun… But that’s not what struck me. It was her eyes. Those big bright eyes you could lose yourself in. Blue they were, and cold as ice, sometimes at least. But that was just a mask. The face behind the mask was the one a distressed little girl. She would not show many people what was behind her blue eyes. We were like… like partners in crime, she just had that certain something, just like everything she did was magic, with the slightest smile she took my breath away. It was more than a feeling, it was… real love.

Ah, wait, did I tell you that I was a motorcycle man back then as well? Man, I really was into these machines. Rolling down the highway, Mary on my back, riding the wild wind, feelin‘ alive… A free man on the loose, so to speak, running wild across the desert plains of the midwest. You know, just like the movie, Easy Rider or what the name was. Summertime, blues music in the bars, taking a sip of wine in the evening of the day. That summer, we were travelling from coast to coast, finally going to California, Mary an‘ me. We had a real cool time there, all summer long. Yeah, that was my summer of ’69, but as it often happens, as soon as the good times roll, the times they’re changin‘. We ran out of money ’n out of luck much too soon.

We had to leave our hotel in California, being vagabonds in the western world… In the end, I’d sworn I’d never be going back again to California. We returned to our tribe in New Orleans. However, the change had to come, I knew all along. Somehow, our relationship fell apart. „Don’t stand so close to me„, that’s what she used to say. What in the world had happened to her, I didn’t know then. She started telling me little lies, told me we could still be so happy together. It wasn’t to happen.

Days later I found her, crawling on the carpet in her room, high on drugs. She just couldn’t get enough, couldn’t cope with life. She’d have needed a little help from her friends, but there ain’t been nobody but me. That wasn’t enough. It was a creeping death, slow, painful. She’d stick the needle in, face death with a grin, succumb to the needle’s lies. Drugs got her comfortably numbed, her eyes became the eyes of a stranger, to me she became a stranger with a familiar face. Weeks later she died.

From that day on, nothing really mattered to me anymore. You know, many people exactly remember the time that Kennedy was shot in ’63, in Dallas, at one in the afternoon. For me, her death was the same. All I could hear was the sound of silence in my head, all I could see was shades of gray before my eyes.. Since I’d been loving her, I had been the proverbial live wire, bursting with raw energy. And now there was silence.

Good lovin‘ had gone bad. Sure, it had been heaven and hell with her before, and I had sometimes felt like screaming in her face. I couldn’t live with her, I couldn’t live without her, strange as it may sound. Since she’d been gone, there was no reason for me to be heading for tomorrow’s sunrise anymore. All my life I had feared to have to be living on my own.

Anyway, I was still loving her. Well, as the saying goes, only the good die young, and so did she. The room’s silent, screams of agony, my agony, the only sound. I never could enjoy the silence of my empty room. It took years to get accustomed to it. But take a look now, what has changed? After all this time, I’m still much the same… I believe she’s waiting for me somewhere, far beyond the stars. Well, and now there’s nothing left to say for me, except that my body’s numb from sitting n‘ my throat is dry from talking. Heck, it’s already 12 past 9, barkeeper, a whisky on the rocks!“

Könnt ihr dem Uwe mal helfen? Der kriegt sonst nämlich noch die Krise.

22 Kommentare zu “Ratet mal”

  1. Ines

    Ich fänd es sinnvoll, wenn der Uwe markiert hätte, was er schon gefunden hat. Ausserdem wärs sinnvoll zu wissen, ob Interpreten, Liednamen oder so gesucht sind. Spontan stolperte ich beim Überfliegen über „summer of 96“, was definitv ein Lied ist…

  2. WiWi

    The Who – Who are you
    Monaco – What Do You Want From Me
    Paul Simon – You Can Call Me Al
    Alexis Strum – It Could Be You
    Born To Loose (Punk-Band)

    hab jetzt leider keine Zeit mehr, aber ist wohl klar, was gesucht ist 🙂

  3. Uwe

    @Ines: Ich hab gar nix gefunden, ich hab höchstens erfunden, nämlich den ganzen Text 😉
    @Wiwi: Drei Volltreffer, plus einer mit einer Band, die ich nicht kenne, und ein Lied, was ich nicht drin versteckt habe.

  4. der ich

    ok, wegen der lan konnte ich mich noch net mit dem text befassen aber morgen hab ich vieel zeit 😉

  5. Uwe

    Per Mail wurden noch ein paar Songs genannt, ich habe die mal hinzugefügt.
    @das du: Hilf lieber bei der Hausarbeit!

  6. Uwe

    So, aktueller Zwischenstand: noch 70 Songs zu finden.

  7. WiWi

    Wo sieht man denn, welche Songs schon gefunden sind?

  8. Uwe

    Also eigentlich sollten die entsprechenden Textstellen unterstrichen sein und beim Mouseover erscheint dann der passende Titel dazu.

    Es sind übrigens immer noch rund ein Dutzend Titel offen 🙂

  9. chö

    Ich ergänze mal noch inkl. einiger Vermutung:
    „Tell you my story“ – Manowar | The Warrior’s Prayer?
    „Fighting classmates …“ – Pink Floyd | Another Brick In The Wall Pt. 2
    „Those were the days“ – Mary Hopkin
    „She was a prostitute …“ – Queensryche | Spreading The Disease
    „everything she did was magic“ – Rainbow | Magic?
    „Going back to California“ – Led Zeppelin
    „stranger with a familiar face“ – Deep Purple | Perfect Strangers?
    „Heading for tomorrow“ – Gamma Ray
    „All this time“ – Rage

  10. Uwe

    Nix warrior’s prayer, nix bricks in the wall, und eigentlich auch nicx Mary Hopkins. Da letztere nun aber schon xfach genannt wurde wird sie trotzdem ergänzt. Spreading The Disease ist schon richtig, aber nicht an dieser Stelle. Auch nix Rainbow, aber an genau dieser Stelle steckt ein passenderer Song. Der Song von Led Zeppelin heißt „Going To California“ und wurde bereits gefunden, an der von dir vermuteten Stelle ist ein anderer Song versteckt. Der Stranger With A Familiar Face ist nicht von Deep Purple, da gibts einen passenderen Song. Rage hatte ich eigentlich auch nicht eingeplant.
    Insgesamt also gar nicht schlecht geraten, allerdings mit Heading For Tomorrow nur einen Hauptgewinn.

  11. der ich

    hast du eigentlich nen wasserstand wer wieviel gefunden hat?
    und wieviel fehlt eigentlich noch?

  12. Uwe

    @chö: Sorry, ich hab Quark erzählt, Spreading The Disease haste ja doch an der richtigen Stelle gefunden.
    @das du: Nen genauen Wasserstand hab ich nicht. Ich weiß zwar noch nicht, was der Hauptgewinn sein wird, aber du wirst ihn dir mit Antje teilen müssen 😉

    Nach meiner Rechnung fehlen noch 12 von mir versteckte Songs – der chö hat auch schon von drei Songs die passenden Stellen genannt. Andererseits wurden schon massenhaft Songs gefunden, die ich nicht absichtlich eingebaut habe 🙂

  13. der ich

    the police – every little thing she does is magic?
    fates warning – stranger (with a familiar face) ?
    das müssten die stellen vom chö sein

  14. der ich

    ist das free man im 6ten absatz ne anspielung auf maidens the prisoner?
    slade – still the same? (im letzten absatz)

  15. der ich

    bob dylan – the times they’re a changin‘ (6ter absatz)

  16. Uwe

    Police, Fates Warning, Bob Dylan: Treffer, versenkt
    Die Stelle mit still the same ist ein längerer Auszug aus einem Text, und von Maiden ist auch noch ein Song versteckt, aber nicht The Prisoner.

  17. der ich

    psychotic waltz – i remember? bitte sag dass das die stelle mti the same ist

  18. indeed


  19. Uwe

    Psychotic Waltz ist… richtig!

    So, bleiben noch 9 Titel, je einer im dritten, fünften, siebten und achten Absatz sowie je 2 im sechsten und elften Absatz 🙂 Drei davon sind über den Text oder einen anderen Hinweis erkennbar, die anderen stehen direkt als Titel drin.

  20. der ich

    Absatz 3: Loverboy – Working for the Weekend?
    Abastz 7: Fleetwood Mac – Never Going Back Again?
    Absatz 8: Supertramp – Ain’t Nobody But Me?

  21. Uwe

    Boah, drei richtige 🙂

  22. Uwe

    So, dann will ich mal die noch fehlenden Songs benennen, morgen abend wird dann endgültig aufgelöst:
    Aerosmith – Cryin‘
    Barclay James Harvest – Sip Of Wine
    Beach Boys – All Summer Long
    Eric Claption – She’s Waiting
    Iron Maiden – The Trooper
    Rush – 2112

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