
For West Germany it was the Duewag standard types, for the whole Communist block it was the Tatra T4. The variant for East Germany was called T4D in was delivered from 1967 on. Modernised units are still in service today.

Technical Data

NameTatra T4D+B4D
Capacity214 (114+100)
Power240 hp
Speed38 mph
Weight (empty / loaded)17t+17t
Dimensions (length/width/height)14.000 / 2.200 / 3.063
Load amount36
Cost factor160
Running cost factor80

Images and Screenshots

The photos are based on those available from the wikipedia article about the Tatra T4 and are licensed under the GNU licence for free documentation. The left photo was created by the Enrico Seppelt, the right one by user Burts, the original photos can be accessed by clicking the image.

photo photo
Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot