
From the technical point of view, this type is similar to the T4D, but due to being an articulated type, it is much better suited to tram lines with many curves and slopes. This type was and is common all over East Germany, in modernised forms it is still in use.

Technical Data

NameTatra KT4D
Power220 hp
Speed41 mph
Weight (empty / loaded)20.3t
Dimensions (length/width/height)18.110 / 2.200 / 3.100
Load amount52
Cost factor214
Running cost factor124

Images and Screenshots

The photos are based on those available from the Wikipedia article about the Tatra KT4D. The leftmost photo is by user KT4D and is public domain. The other photos are licensed under the GNU licence for free documentation. The middle photo was created by user wield89, the right one by user CrazyD. The original photos can be accessed by clicking the image.

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