
This family of trams was conceived in the mid 1990ies as a low-floor replacement of the old Duewag types. A variety of models are available with different capacities and gauges, to be universally usable in many cities. The GT8N2 uses standard gauge and has four segments. The real model is used in Munich and Nuremberg.

Technical Data

NameAdtranz GT8N2
Power653 hp
Speed38 mph
Weight (empty / loaded)40.4t
Dimensions (length/width/height)36.580 / 2.300 / 3.313
Load amount70
Cost factor201
Running cost factor122

Images and Screenshots

The photo is based on one available from the free media database commons and is licensed under the GNU licence for free documentation. The original photo was created by user MaxM and can be accessed by clicking the image.

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot