
In the early 1990ies, it became obvious that modern low-floor busses became a tough opponent for trams. Duewag therefore developed a low-floor tram which became known as MGT6 (M for meter gauge, the normal gauge version was called NGT6). Later on, Siemens continued production.

Technical Data

NameDuewag/Siemens MGT6D
Power571 hp
Speed44 mph
Weight (empty / loaded)32t
Dimensions (length/width/height)28.620 / 2.300 / 3.377
Load amount46
Cost factor183
Running cost factor107

Images and Screenshots

The photo is based on one available from the free media database commons and is licensed under the GNU licence for free documentation. The original photo was created by Martin Hawlisch and can be accessed by clicking the image.

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