
This type was originally built in 1905 for the service in Plauen/Saxony. The unit survived the war and was put into historic preservation in 1965. It is still in use on special occasions. In the game, it will be a cheap introduction to operating trams, because in the early years, building the tram tracks will be expensive enough.

In the early times of tram development, trams were also used for transporting mail bags, so this type is also included in a version for mail.

Technical Data

NamePSB TW21
Power92 hp
Speed25 mph
Weight (empty / loaded)9.5t
Dimensions (length/width/height)8.000 / 2.000 / 3.700
Load amount5
Cost factor6
Running cost factor3

Images and Screenshots

The photo is based on one available from the free media database commons and is licensed under the GNU licence for free documentation. The orignal photo was created by the Daniel Möschke and can be accessed by clicking the image.

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot