
This family of trucks was a great success for MAN. Originally, these trucks were introduced in 1967, minor cosmetic changes were applied in the 1970ies, stronger engines also became available. In the game, only the semi-trailer configuration of this first series model will be available.

Technical Data

NameMAN F8 16.240
Power240 hp
Weight (empty / loaded)
Dimensions (length/width/height)
Load amount
Cost factor
Running cost factor

Images and Screenshots has galleries for this type: gallery link.

The photo to the left was kindly provided by Olaf Nordsieck, the webmaster of, a website with some great photos of busses and trucks. The other photo is based on one available from the free media database commons and is licensed under the GNU licence for free documentation. The original photo was created by Sven Storbeck and can be accessed by clicking the image.

photo photo