German Town Names

As addition to using the DBSet and the German road vehicles, one can also use German town names. In TTDPatch only 90 are available, OpenTTD can make use of up to 2000 names.

There is a NewGRF available from the in-game downloader that has the same name and the same or at least a very similar functionality. As I have not worked on this thing since the release of the last version, I recommend using the other set. The download here is only kept for "archeological" purposes, so to say.

German Town Names v1.1, October 25th 2008


A set of German road vehicles, including busses, trams and trucks. Detailed information available on the set homepage.

GermanRV v0.23, August 8th, 2010

The current development version can be downloaded as well. This version is NOT for playing, it is incomplete, contains untested new features and only meant for testing!

GermanRV v0.3 alpha 19, December 16th, 2014


This program helps with creating recolor tables. These tables come in very handy when creating new graphics sets for TTDX.

TTDXRecolor v0.1, January 9th, 2010